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project aims

to offer an alternative to the mounting problems of poverty, inequality, war, austerity, homelessness, unemployment, the tedium of employment, social, personal and environmental degradation and the monopolisation and mismanagement of the planet and its resources by


• getting land 


• applying permaculture practice and ethics, forest gardening, natural farming/building and soft energy technology to transform initial ¼ acre plots of land into food forest-garden smallholdings (1/4 acre capable of FULLY supporting 4+ people)


• working with friends, local communities, trusts, pre existing networks, volunteers etc. towards a communal surplus of food, energy and housing which is then

        - used directly

        - stored

        - re-invested back into the working system

        - shared with other individuals or local groups while they join the project, repeating the ¼ acre set up process


and using this as the basis for the sustainable development of fully localised, self-maintaining, co-operative communities that can provide their own clean, safe and reliable food, energy and housing (and meet any other material or non-material needs) for free, without the use of heavy machinery, fossil fuels, pesticides, GMOs, chemical fertilizers



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